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How is Custody Determined by the Court?

Once you decide that you and your spouse have a general idea of what you want to do with the kids, we offer a kitchen table divorce. Now we all know that everything ends up on the kitchen table: your bills, your checks, your food, everything. So, we make the process very simple. You may think I can do this on my own, you may be able to do it on your own but is it right? So, part of what we do is that we make sure one that you’re protected, so that your case doesn’t have to be reopened because you did it on your own. We also guide you through the process, you may have no idea how to calculate child support we make sure that’s done properly. Many times, we guide both individuals to make sure that they’re getting what’s fair. So, if you’re interested in a divorce your spouse is in an agreement and you just want to make this an easy transition for the children and for yourselves; then we guide you through the process to make sure that you allocate who’s supposed to get what. If you, do it on your own, you might leave something out and may be back in the court if the other person isn’t happy because it wasn’t done properly. So, what we do is we make sure that you each complete that’s required by court, we make sure that everything is listed to make sure that you’re protected, and we discuss what would be appropriate for your family. What kind of time-sharing arrangement would work for the kids and what is it that the kids need? Whether its child support, whether making sure that there’s a college fund or who’s keeping the house, and what arrangement there will be. We work to make sure that your needs and your spouse’s needs are equally met by the agreement you have.

What is a Kitchen Table Divorce?


Many parents want to know how the court determines custody in a divorce. The first thing to know is that there’s no legal term for custody. We’re talking about parental responsibility, how much time do you spend with the children, how much time do they spend with mom, how much time they spend with dad. The court is interested in what’s the best interest of the children. Is one parent working all the time and not available, is mom at every single soccer game, who’s participating in what activities, the court wants to know who’s the team mean on the soccer team, who’s coming, who’s helping with the homework, who’s taking the kids to school in the morning. The court is not interest in only knowing who’s the weakened parent that can take their kids to Disney, they want to know who’s doing the hard work, who’s making sure the homework is done, who’s making sure that the children are disciplined, who’s making sure the dinner is cooked, and you’re not just eating chicken nuggets every night. The court wants to make sure that the children are not only happy but that they’re healthy and that their needs are being attended to, and that’s the most important thing.

Things to Know Before You File for Divorce!

Wondering what you need to know before you file for divorce.  Do you have a contested divorce or you have a divorce by agreement? Do you know where your spouse lives? Check out our video for details for the 3 Key Things to Know before you File for Divorce.

Meet the Family Law Firm – We are Ready to Help YOU!

So here at the De La Rosa Monroe Law firm we help clients with child support custody disputes and divorces. What makes us different from a lot of other different firms is that we take the approach that you’re an individual you’re going to need individual results that work for your family work for your children and work for your life. So, while another firm may focus on a cookie cutter approach where everything that they do for one client they do for another. Here we focus on you, so what are your needs, what is it, where do you want to live, where do you want your kids to live, do you want your children to have health insurance , do you need them to be able to go to college, we’re here to make sure that while you’re going through the emotional chaos of having a divorce we’re here to guide you on what your options are so that when this is all over you can move on with your life and you can start a new chapter with your children with your family and with your well-being. One of the benefits of working with our firm is that we have a team. Our team is here to assist you and your situation, so while emotionally you may have a desire to fight for things, we’re here to approach it from a more peaceful perspective. At the end of the day, we’re here to bring your sanity back. we’re here to make sure that when you’re making the decisions it’s not a decision that you’re making from an emotional perspective you’re making the decision based on what’s going to be better for you. So, if you’re looking for the attorney that’s going to jump on the tables and scream at the judge that’s not us but what we will do is that we will make sure that we get what’s fair for you. We will make sure that you decide that you won’t regret and that your children can be proud of.

Mediation Process and the Pitfalls of Going at it Alone.

The benefits of mediation is the cost you’re not going back and forth to court for someone else to make the decision. The second benefit is the time you get divorced much faster any divorce can take anywhere from nine to 18 months up to three years sometimes. The third thing is is that you have a say in the decision you get to determine what the agreement says. There are things that we can help you get that the judge may not necessarily award to you so the mediation is an opportunity to be able to get some of the things that you want that a judge may not provide to you. Now what are some of the pitfalls? If you go to mediation alone one you don’t know what to expect you don’t know what the law is and your emotions are going to affect how you make decisions. We’re there to make sure that you know what you’re entitled to under the law. We’re there to let you know what the options are and we’re there to make sure that you’re focused on what your real needs are and not necessarily reacting from an emotional place.


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